Sunday, March 30, 2008

LCS 2005 End point Issue

Recently I faced an issue in LCS 2005, the users were reporting that they are unable to login on LCS and getting Server not found issue. Some users were complaining that they are unable to send messages. After viewing events in server I found following error;

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Live Communications User Services
Event Category: (1006)
Event ID: 30903
Date: 3/30/2008
Time: 11:49:08 AM
User: N/A
Computer: XXXXX
The Endpoint expiration stored procedure failed. It will be retried, but if this error continues to occur, the Live Communications Server service will need to be restarted.
Error code: 0x80004005
Cause: Possible issues with backend database.
Ensure the backend is functioning correctly.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at

after googling I found 1 KB article on this issue explaining the cause and fix of this issue
As per MS KB "This problem occurs because of a deadlock condition on the back-end Microsoft SQL Server database. When there is a deadlock condition, SQL Server automatically selects one of the set presence calls as the deadlock victim"

I have checked my back-end SQL server and found some process in deadlock state. I have checked with my backup guy and found that there was an unscheduled backup running on LCS database at that time. I requested to stop this backup and tried to restart LCS services but it didn't work. Then I ran following command mentioned in the KB as a workaround of this issue.

OSQL.EXE -S local\<instance name> -d rtc -E -Q "exec sp_MSforeachtable 'dbcc dbreindex(''?'')'"

Apparently this command was succeeded and showing some messages. One of the messages was informing about a deadlock process and a returning transaction. After this I have restarted the LCS service and checked event viewer once again, but the problem remained same. Then I stopped the LCS service and then re-ran the above command which was succeeded without any issue. Then i restarted the LCS service and checked the event viewer and all were normal.

It seemed to have some indexing issues with the LCS database; I will further investigate on it and try to find out the core cause. Meanwhile I have already initiated a request to Microsoft for this hotfix.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


did you ever resolve this issue? we are having the same problem. I have applied the patch and run the command both to no avail. we keep getting that error several times then the service crashes, sometimes several times a day!
